Hardware Monitor 5 54 – Hardware Monitoring Sensor Appropriate

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A power monitor can be used to measure the battery voltage and current for use in the battery failsafe and a power module can also provide a stable power supply to the autopilot.

The computer monitor (display) is a common example of an output device, but there are 2 main types of output components – temporary and permanent output devices. While monitors, speakers and projects are the perfect examples of the former types, printers and plotters are the ideal examples of the latter types. Download hardware sensor monitor pro for free. System Utilities downloads - Hardware sensors monitor by AB Software and many more programs are available for instant and free download. Kernel.org Bugzilla – Bug 204807 Hardware monitoring sensor nct6798d doesn't work unless acpienforceresources=lax is enabled Last modified: 2021-02-23 20:07:30 UTC. Liquid-Level Monitoring Using a Pressure Sensor Hardware Pressure Sensor Th e diff erential sensor used in the example applica-tion is GE NovaSensor's NPC-1210 series. Th e NPC-1210 has a typical Full Scale Output (FSO) of 50 mV for 10 inches of water. Th at is, 10 inches of water in the container corresponds to a typical.

ArduPilot is compatible with a number of power modules/monitors.


Boards with integrated power monitors have their parameters setup by default.

Mission Planner Setup¶

Battery measurement is primarily set up in the Mission Planner'sINITIAL SETUP | Optional Hardware | Battery Monitor screen. Note that currently Mission Planner only supports the first two Battery Monitors in the system (a total of 10 are available in firmware versions 4.0 and later). More would need to be configured directly by directly setting their parameters in the CONFIG/TUNNING|Full Parameter List screen.

Enable voltage and current sensing¶

Enter the properties your monitor can measure, the type of monitor, thetype of autopilot, and the battery capacity:

Computer Hardware Monitoring

Hardware monitor 5 54 – hardware monitoring sensor appropriate device
  • Monitor:Voltage and Current or Battery Volts
  • Sensor: Supported power module, or 'Other'
  • APM ver: Autopilot (e.g. Pixhawk )
  • Battery Capacity: Battery capacity in mAh

The Sensor selection list offers a number of Power Modules(including popular models from 3DR and AttoPilot) which you can selectto automatically configure your module. If your PM is not on the listthen you can select Other, enter its recommended values, orperform a manual calibration as described below.


The bottom section of the the Battery Monitor screen allows you tocalibrate the voltage/current measurement in order to verify that themeasured voltage of the battery is correct. You can also set theSensor selection list to Other and use the calibration processto configure an 'unknown' power monitor/module.

To calibrate the voltage reading:

  1. Check the voltage of your LiPo battery with a hand-held volt meter ora power analyzer

  2. Connect your Pixhawk-series to your computer and plug in the LiPo battery

  3. Check the voltage through the Mission Planner's INITIAL SETUP |Optional Hardware | Battery Monitor screen or on the Flight Datascreen's HUD or Status tab.

If you find the voltage is not correct (i.e. if off from the hand-heldvolt meter's reading by more than perhaps 0.2V) you can calibrate it by doing the following:

  1. On Mission Planner's INITIAL SETUP | Optional Hardware |Battery Monitor screen set the 'Sensor' to 'Other'.

  2. Enter the voltage according to the hand-held volt meter in the'Measured Battery Voltage' field

  3. Press tab or click out of the field and the 'Voltage Divider(Calced)' value will update and the 'Battery voltage (Calced)' shouldnow equal the measured voltage

Using the power analyser you can also measure the current and compare toresults displayed in the Mission Planner.


Realflow 10 0 download free. Most current sensors are not very accurate at low currents (lessthan 3 Amps). Typically you should perform current calibration at around10A. The exception is PMs that use hall-effect sensors, like those from Mauch.

This video shows the voltage and current calibration process using aTurnigy Power Analyser.

Enable Low Battery Alert¶

You can set Mission Planner to alert you verbally when your battery islow (using a computerized voice).

  • Monitor:Voltage and Current or Battery Volts
  • Sensor: Supported power module, or 'Other'
  • APM ver: Autopilot (e.g. Pixhawk )
  • Battery Capacity: Battery capacity in mAh

The Sensor selection list offers a number of Power Modules(including popular models from 3DR and AttoPilot) which you can selectto automatically configure your module. If your PM is not on the listthen you can select Other, enter its recommended values, orperform a manual calibration as described below.


The bottom section of the the Battery Monitor screen allows you tocalibrate the voltage/current measurement in order to verify that themeasured voltage of the battery is correct. You can also set theSensor selection list to Other and use the calibration processto configure an 'unknown' power monitor/module.

To calibrate the voltage reading:

  1. Check the voltage of your LiPo battery with a hand-held volt meter ora power analyzer

  2. Connect your Pixhawk-series to your computer and plug in the LiPo battery

  3. Check the voltage through the Mission Planner's INITIAL SETUP |Optional Hardware | Battery Monitor screen or on the Flight Datascreen's HUD or Status tab.

If you find the voltage is not correct (i.e. if off from the hand-heldvolt meter's reading by more than perhaps 0.2V) you can calibrate it by doing the following:

  1. On Mission Planner's INITIAL SETUP | Optional Hardware |Battery Monitor screen set the 'Sensor' to 'Other'.

  2. Enter the voltage according to the hand-held volt meter in the'Measured Battery Voltage' field

  3. Press tab or click out of the field and the 'Voltage Divider(Calced)' value will update and the 'Battery voltage (Calced)' shouldnow equal the measured voltage

Using the power analyser you can also measure the current and compare toresults displayed in the Mission Planner.


Realflow 10 0 download free. Most current sensors are not very accurate at low currents (lessthan 3 Amps). Typically you should perform current calibration at around10A. The exception is PMs that use hall-effect sensors, like those from Mauch.

This video shows the voltage and current calibration process using aTurnigy Power Analyser.

Enable Low Battery Alert¶

You can set Mission Planner to alert you verbally when your battery islow (using a computerized voice).

Simply check the MP Alert on Low Battery checkbox and enter thewarning you wish to hear, the voltage level and finally the percentageof remaining current.

Connecting power monitor to alternative pins¶

The power monitor is generally plugged into the default port on theautopilot (ie. Pixhawk). If you wish to change where the powermonitor is plugged into the controller, the pins used can be modifiedusing the BATT_VOLT_PIN and BATT_CURR_PIN parameters.

Hardware Monitor 5 54 – Hardware Monitoring Sensor Appropriate Indicator

The list of available analog input pins that can be used are listed onthe Hardware Options page for the Pixhawk board or its board description linked from the Autopilot Hardware Options page

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